Cleave Books
Conversion Calculator for Units of
Type in size . . .

select units . . .
then press

Values are shown to . . . significant figures.

tex grams/kilometre
denier grams/9 000 metres (or 9 km)
Linen (dry spun), Hemp, Jute lb/14,400 yd (spyndle)
Woollen (Aberdeen) lb/14,400 yd
Woollen (US grain) grains/20 yd
Yarn Count Systems
Asbestos (American) 100 yd(cut)/lb
Asbestos (English) 50 yd/lb
Cotton bump yarn yd/oz
Cotton (English) 840 yd(hank)/lb
Glass (UK & USA) 100 yd/lb
Linen (wet or dry spun) 300 yd(lea)/lb
Metric kilometres/kg
Spun silk 840 yd/lb
Typp 1000 yd/lb
Woollen (Alloa) 11,520 yd(spyndle)/24 lb
Woollen (American cut) 300 yd/lb
Woollen (American run) 100 yd/oz
Woollen (Dewsbury) yd/oz
Woollen (Galashiels) 300 yd(cut)/24 oz
Woollen (Hawick) 300 yd(cut)/26 oz
Woollen (Irish) yd/0.25 oz
Woollen (West of England) 320 yd(snap)/lb
Woollen (Yorkshire) 256 yd(skein)/lb
Woollen (Yorkshire) yd/dram
Worsted 560 yd(hank)/lb
tex grams/kilometre
Definitions are those given in British Standard No:1947(1970)
lb = pound(s)     yds = yard(s)    oz = ounce(s)
Unit shown in red is the 'preferred' unit for yarns.
Very large and very small numbers appear in e-Format and have not been spaced.
Unvalued zeros on all numbers have been suppressed.
NO guarantee as to the accuracy of these values is given.
And they should be checked against some other source.
A note on Format and Accuracy is available.
There are also some
Background Notes on Yarns

Go to theDictionary of UnitsOR the Calculator Menu
Version 1.4