Cleave Books
The Fractions Calculator
For detailed instructions on use, and limitations, see below.

A N B P=
Each of the boxes  N D P Q  MUST have an entry in them.
Boxes A and B (either or both) can be left blank.
All entries must be whole numbers only, in the range 1 to 1000 (inclusive).
Additional Information
There are four different types of fractions: common fractions, decimal fractions, percentages and ratios. When the word 'fraction' is used on its own then usually it is the common fraction that is meant. And that is the sense in which it used here.
A common fraction is written in the form of two whole numbers, one above the other, separated by a short horizontal line. The bottom number must NOT be zero.
They are also known as vulgar fractions.
Here the fractions are written in line, like 3/4 for example.
The numerator is the top number in the fraction. (N and P above)
The denominator is the bottom number in the fraction. (D and Q above)
So, in 3/4 the numerator is 3 and the denominator is 4.
In a proper fraction the numerator is smaller than the denominator.
In an improper fraction the numerator is bigger than the denominator.
So, 3/4 is a proper fraction, while 4/3 is an improper fraction.
A mixed number is made up of two parts: a whole number followed by a proper fraction.
Equivalent fractions are two, or more, fractions which have the same value but which are different in form.
These all have the same value but look different
   3/4   6/8   63/84   75%   0.75
They are equivalent fractions
A separate Table of Equivalent Fractions is available.

Fractions can be negative but negative entries cannot be made in this calculator.
Also, to avoid getting a negative answer when doing subtraction, the first fraction (on the left) MUST be larger than the second fraction.
If you need the smaller number to come first: do the calculation with the larger one placed first, and then put a negative sign in front of the answer.
For example, to do1/5 - 2/3
do 2/3 - 1/5 to get 7/15
and read the answer as   - 7/15

A reduced fraction is a common fraction in its simplest possible form.
To get this, both the top and bottom numbers of the fraction are divided by the SAME NUMBER, and this is repeated if necessary until it is impossible to do so anymore.
For example, to reduce
first divide both by 2 to get 75/120
divide both of those by 3 to get 25/40
then, divide both of those by 5 to get 5/8
and no further reduction is possible
In the calculator, the answer is always given in its reduced form.
To CHANGE a common fraction into a decimal fraction divide the top number by the bottom.
For example 3/7 would be 3 divided by 7 = 0.428 571 . . . . .

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