Cleave Books
Quick Puzzles ~ Set 1

1.How many days is it from Wednesday the 1st August to the first Saturday in September? 2.There are two clocks. One of them gains 6 seconds in every hour, while the other loses 9 seconds in every hour. If they are both set to show the same time, and then set going, how long will it be before they are exactly 1 hour different?
3.The number FIVE as written using block capitals contains exactly 10 strokes or segments of a straight line. Find a number which when written out in words (using no tricks) contains as many strokes as the number says. 4. Find four consecutive odd numbers which add up to to a total of 80.
5.What is the opposite of "NOT OUT"? 6.When one particular number, written in figures, is turned upside down it increases in value by 21. Which number is that?
7.A car has travelled 24,000 km and, in that distance, has worn out 6 tyres. Each tyre travelled the same distance. How far did each separate tyre travel? 8.If 6 cats can catch 6 rats in 6 minutes, how many cats are needed to catch 10 rats in 10 minutes?
9.Find two whole numbers which, when multiplied together give an answer of 41. 10.A man bought 50 metres of rope in a shop. He did not know it, but the metre-rule used to measure the rope was 1cm short. What length of rope did he actually get?
11.A collection of sheep and turkeys have a total of 99 heads and legs between them.
There are twice as many turkeys as there are sheep. How many of each are there?
12.If August 5th falls on a Tuesday, on which day of the week will Christmas-day fall?
13.A very fast growing sun-flower grows to a height of 12 feet in 12 weeks by doubling its height every week. If you only want your sun-flower to be 6 feet tall, after how many weeks should you stop it growing? 14.Find the smallest possible number that leaves a remainder of 1 when divided by 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6, but which can be divided by 7 exactly.
15.Place an ordinary mathematical symbol between 2 and 3 so that the result is a number which greater than 2 and less than 3. 16.Use the numbers 1 to 12, and each one may be used once only.
They are to be divided into two groups. One group must have eight numbers in it, the other group must have four numbers in it. The total of one group must be twice the size of the total of the other group.
17.From this set of five numbers:
12, 14, 18, 32, 48
and any one of them may be used any number of times, find five that add up to a total of 100.
Find three different ways of doing this.
18.The farmyard was full of cows and hens. All together there were 36 heads and 100 legs in the farmyard.
How many cows were there?
19.If you have to cut a piece of string into 14 equal pieces, and each cut takes 1 second, how long should the whole job take? 20.Ann, Ben and Carol each have some money. If Ann gave Ben 30p, then Ben would have twice as much as Ann. If Ben gave Carol 30p, then Carol would have twice as much as Ben. If Carol gave Ann 30p, then they would both have the same amount.
How much money do they each have?

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