Cleave Books
Matching Problems

This problem requires 2 (or more) pentominoes to be put together to make one total shape, and then 2 other pentominoes found which can be put together to make the SAME total shape
In the example below, the I and L pentominoes have been fitted together on the left, and then the W and N pentominoes have been fitted together (on the right) to make the same shape.

pentomino duplication

Diagrams for these two problems are given on the right. pentomino duplication
10. Find 2 pentominoes which will make the same total shape as the one given for the F and T.
11. Find 2 pentominoes which will make the same total shape as the one given for the I and U.

12. Put V and Z together to make the same total shape as L and N.
13. Put W and X together to make the same total shape as P and Y.
14. Put V and X together to make the same total shape as U and Y.
15. Divide the full set into 3 groups. Y N L P,   F W T I,   and X U V Z. Then assemble each group into a shape so that all 3 groups show the same total shape.

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